Here are the demographic numbers so you will get a better picture of who answered this year survey.
- Male: Red
- Female: Blue/green
What is your gender?
This year 50% (57% last year) who answered are female and 48% (42% last year) are men. A small number did not want to answer or are non-binary.
What is your age?
The largest group who answered the survey were between 26 and 45, same as previous year.
What is your design experience?
There are more people answering who have 1-10 year of experience than 11 and up. There is no big difference between male and female how answered.
Note: Orange is “Do not want to answer” and green is “Non-binary”
What type of company do you work at?
Half of the people who answered work in product/service companies (53%), followed by agencies and consulting (32%).
What is your title?
Most people are using the title UX Designer, Service Designer, UX Lead and Product Designer who answered the survey. We are excited to see that we have been able to reach out to more design disciplines (but we are not satisfied), and therefore we expand the list with titles like industrial designers and textile designers
- Designer: 405 (306 answers 2020)
- Senior Designer: 61 (55 answers 2020)
- Design Leader: 62*
- Head of, Director, VP: 59*
*Last year these two groups were grouped as one group. Answers as one group 2021: 121 (2020: 49)
This year, the number of answers from service designers have moved from fourth to second place. But! The most significant difference from last year’s survey is the number of answers from design leader roles. They have more than doubled. Design leadership is a natural part of the industry, and it continues to evolve.
Others include titles like: Användbarhetsdesigner, Associate Design Director, CEO, Chief Design Officer, Communications officer, Customer Experience Lead, Customer Experience Manager, CX Architect, CX writer, Design expert, Design Researcher, Design strategist, Digital Accessibility Lead, Experiential Designer, Head of DesignOps, Head of Product (including UX), Human-Computer Professional and a User-Centered Design Advocate, Innovation Lead, Junior designer, Product design & team lead, Product Discovery Coach, Product Owner & Team leader, Project leader, senior usability engineer, Service Design Lead, Software Designer, Sr CX and EX designer, Sr User researcher, Strategic advisor, Tillgänglighetsexpert, UI Lead, User experience researcher, User insights psychologist, User Researcher, UX Data Analyst, UX Designer and group manager, Ux Research & Design, UX Researcher, UX strategist, UX/UI Designer, Web manager
Where do you work?
87% who answered, work in Sweden’s three largest cities, even though there is a spread in many other smaller ones like Lund, Växjö, Uppsala, Umeå, Sundsvall, Karlskrona and Kalmar
Other cities include: Linköping, Skövde, Norrköping, Stenungsund, Jönköping, Västerås etc.
What school have you attended?
Most people have gone to school at Berghs School of Communication, Chalmers, Stockholm University, Hyper Island, KTH, Linköping University or Umeå University.
You can answer with multiple schools, so this list doesn’t say which school you graduated from. Therefore, this is a mix between traditional universities and more professional schools like Berghs, Hyper Island and Nackademin.
It is interesting to see the big number of different schools people attend who call themselves designers. There were also a small number who answered they didn’t attend any school and that they have worked their way to their position.
As the majority has attended other schools we list them here as well: Aalborg University, Aalto University, Academy of Art University, Arcada UAS, Art center college of design, Beckmans School of Design, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Berlin Art School, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Broby grafiska, BTH, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, Chelsea College of art and design, City University, London, Concordia University and Carleton University (Canada), Dalarna University, Danish design school, Copenhagen, Danmarks Designskole, Digital media distribution, EC Utbildning Malmö, ÉCOLE DE DESIGN – UQÀM, Eindhoven University of Technology, Espm (Brazil), FUMEC (Graphic Design University in Brazil), General Assembly, Georgia Institute of Technology, Gerlesborgsskolan, Glasgow School of Art / Lund University, GUC, Gävle Högskola, Halmstad University, Handelshögskolan Stockholm, Hoejer Design School, Denmark, Högskolan Väst, IADE, Ideo U + Henley, IED Milano, Imperial College London, Ironhack, ITC, IUAV University of Venice, Jensen YH, Jönköping University, Karlstad universitet, Komvux, UCSD in California, Kristianstad Högskola, KY akademin, Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Leeds University, Lisbon Fine Arts University, London Metropolitan University, Stockholm Tekniska Institut, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Lund University, Mediability, Medieinstitutet, Miami Ad School, Mittuniversitetet, Mälardalens Högskola, National University of Ireland, Galway, NID, India and Aalto university Finland, Norwegian School of Creative Studies, Nyckelviksskolan, Pacific Lutheran University, Politecnico of Turin, Pratt Institute, Puc (Brazil), Queensland University of Technology, Rutgers State University, Singapore Management University, Stockholms Tekniska Institut, Swinburne University, Textile University Boras, TU Delft, UFBA – Universidade Federal da Bahia, Umeå Institute of Design, UNESP (Brazil), Universitetet i Sørøst Norge, University of applied sciences Potsdam, University of arts London, University of Catania, University of Rome and Florence, online studies, University of Southampton, University of Technology, Sydney, UNLP, Fine Arts School. Argentina, UTS (AUS), Yrgo, Årjängs folkhögskola, Hellidens folkhögskola.
What educational level did you go to?
This year, most people answered who has a Bachelor (same as last year) and a Master. The number still shows that more women who answer have a degree than men, except High School or Higher Vocational Education.
Note: Orange is “Do not want to answer” and green is “Non-binary”